
LaDonnaFoto Published in XIII Florence Biennale Catalogue

International landscape photographer, Donna Carnahan, was intrigued by the beauty of the Renaissance art in Florence and inspired to take a photographic journey throughout 10 regions in Italy over a five year period. Her body of work “Mediterranean Summer” was selected by “LandEscape Art Review”, Special Edition in 2021, where she was interviewed for a …

LaDonnaFoto Published in XIII Florence Biennale Catalogue Read More »

Donna Carnahan in MADS art Gallery Milano Italy and Fuerteventura Spain Donna Carnahan, international photographer from Houston, Texas, specializes in Italian landscape photography. Since 2015, gaining inspiration from her love of Renaissance art in Florence, she has traveled extensively throughout 10+ regions of Italy. She has a passion for travel to remote and little known places where she photographically captures hidden gems of nature. Having …

Donna Carnahan in MADS art Gallery Milano Italy and Fuerteventura Spain Read More »

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